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Download Numara Calculator a new, free and open source application for Windows that provides various features in the field of numerical computing. With this program, you can see attractive features in the field of mathematical calculations in a beautiful and attractive user environment, such as Notepad software, among which we can mention converting units and converting exchange rates to each other. from Direct link

  • Name:
  • Numara Calculator
  • Description:
  • a new, free and open source application for Windows that provides various features in the field of numerical computing. With this program, you can see attractive features in the field of mathematical calculations in a beautiful and attractive user environment, such as Notepad software, among which we can mention converting units and converting exchange rates to each other.

  • Version:
  • 3.5.5
  • Size:
  • 649,0 KB
  • Core:
  • 32 & 64 bit
  • Downloads:
  • 1222
Direct Download
