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Download BookCAT a new and powerful software that allows the user to categorize and manage their books in a secure and reliable database. This program is used by book lovers, schools, clubs as well as small to medium libraries. With this program, you can receive information about each book from the Internet and register it as additional information about the book in the system. In addition, the above software allows you to know what you have in the library and get comprehensive information about whether the book is on loan or in the library. from Direct link

  • Name:
  • BookCAT
  • Description:
  • a new and powerful software that allows the user to categorize and manage their books in a secure and reliable database. This program is used by book lovers, schools, clubs as well as small to medium libraries. With this program, you can receive information about each book from the Internet and register it as additional information about the book in the system. In addition, the above software allows you to know what you have in the library and get comprehensive information about whether the book is on loan or in the library.

  • Version:
  • 10.29
  • Size:
  • 12,2 MB
  • Core:
  • 32 & 64 bit
  • Downloads:
  • 807
Direct Download
